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The Girls

L is getting to be so grown up! These last few months, she has been starving for knowledge-any and all knowledge she can get. It is so wonderful to see the joy she finds in learning! We do "school" every day, while M takes her nap. It just might be her favorite part of the day. We learn about all kinds of things-Eskimos, honey bees, how the calendar works, etc. And she is learning to read, and can sound out small words right now.

M is also learning and growing so much. She is very proud of herself, because just this last Friday, she figured out how to walk backwards, and has been doing it ever since, especially when she wants to make us laugh. M is a real fun-loving, happy, teasing, stinker, who loves to make us all laugh. Since Thursday, she has been walking around the house singing to herself! It is very cute.

I think M learns best from watching and copying her big sister. For example, she likes to stamp out letters from play dough and color pictures with L. Those are both things L never did at this young of an age, since she didn't have anyone to watch. The wonderful thing is, L likes M to do these things with her. She helps M get into her booseter seat, and shares her paper and pencils or play dough and stamps with her so willingly.

There is nothing sweeter in the world than to see L and M getting along and loving each other-laughing and's the best!!


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D on :

Waaaaaah! You're girls are SO DARN CUTE!!!!!!

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