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We got some kittens this spring. They are so incredibly friendly and sweet.

The gray one is named Sparkles. He is a boy, but the name was picked out months in advance, so he is stuck with it. :-) He is very cuddly and loving.

Tiger is a girl. She is also very loving.

They both are very gentle and put up with anything. I think they really truly love every minute with L and M, even being carried around like this:

L and M are very gentle and good with them, but Baby A gets a little too excited and wants to grab them. She has managed to grab them a couple of times, but they do not retaliate at all. They both will just sit patiently while I work A's hand open. (Even the time Baby A grabbed Tiger's face with both hands!) And then they will scurry two feet away so that they are just out of reach. Over the months, Baby A has gotten pretty good at petting them softly, so as long as A is on my lap, Tiger and Sparkles love to rub up against her and be with her. They are smart and know that if Baby A is by herself, it is best to stay just out of reach.


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