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L's Bike

Shortly before moving, L was given a bike from a very kind neighbor. She had a lot of fun with it, but there wasn't a whole lot of space to ride it around. And I wasn't available to watch her as often as she would have liked. After we moved, she was suddenly FREE! She spent hours and hours on her bike, and two months later, she still hasn't gotten bored of it. I think she is on her bike more often than not!

We have a nice private lane that we share with just one other house, so we don't have to worry about cars at all. L wakes up really early and here, she can go out and ride her bike before I am even awake. I love, love, LOVE not having to worry about her!!

I think I am going to start including things in L's and M's own words on the blog. So here is what M wanted to say: “I like my car. I like to go clear to the main street and then I go back to our home. And I like going on bike rides.” (Riding in the trailer behind Mom's bike.)

In June, L learned how to ride without training wheels, and wow, is she good! I can't put videos directly on this blog, but you can go here to watch a cute 3-minute video of L riding her bike just minutes after her Dad took the training wheels off. (Let me know if the video doesn't work for you.)


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