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Our New Home

I am finally adding to our blog! I haven't written since we moved, because our cord to download pictures to the computer is still lost in all the boxes! Della came up this last week and brought her cord, so I was able to empty the camera. (Hopefully we won't have to wait that long until the next download.) So, here are a TON of pictures now. I have broken it up into several different entries to make it a little bit easier on those who have slow internet connections.

First off, let me just say that we are completely loving life!!!!!!!!!! L and M have loved our new home and new life from the beginning. They quickly forgot that there was ever anything else. I was fully expecting a difficult period of adjustment, but it never came. We have all felt from the very first day that this is our real life, and we are home. And, in addition to that, David's job is wonderful!! We have been so very blessed!!!

We moved on May 8th. Here are the girls in the moving van with Dad. That was a fun drive!! We joke that we hope it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

We moved here just in time for the Dandelion season. I never had a clue that there was a season for Dandelions, but it is pretty obvious up here. Everywhere we went, there were fields that looked yellow, kind of like the picture below. It was so beautiful!! This is the field right behind us. Our own small fields looked pretty yellow too.

Dandelions are great for the kids! L and M spent a whole lot of time filling up baskets and baskets (seriously) with dandelions. Then L liked to go around the house and “decorate” with them. It was really cute. Dandelions on our dressers, lining the sinks in the bathrooms, the window sills, vases full of them...And then they would be dead by the next day and she would do it all over again.

It is hard to see in the photo, but L has a yellow nose from smelling dandelions. :-)


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