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We Own a House!!!!!!!!

It feels sooo good to be able to say that!! We have our very own house!!! We are so VERY excited and happy and just plain giddy about it. Even L and M. (Although you can't tell in this picture-M just woke up from napping on the long drive.)

This is our real estate agent, handing me the keys--He was AWESOME, by the way! (We really should have closed the door for this shot, but we weren't thinking straight at the time. :-))

Can you see the joy and excitement radiating from our faces? :-)

Because David still needs to work down here for a little longer, we aren't moving for a couple of weeks. But we did go up and spend the first weekend in our very own house. Here are a few pictures of the house and yard.

Here is the garden. It is huge! I spent quite a bit of time working on it. Here is before:

And after:

Both L and M are ecstatic to have a house! When we were in the car, pulling out of the garage to go back to our apartment, L said, "I wish we were just going grocery shopping and then coming right back." And then, when we pulled up at our apartment and got out of the car, M pointed to the apartment, stomped her foot, and said in a very determined voice, "I don't want that house!"


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Jonathon on :

Congratulations! I can't wait until we get our own house too, though that will probably be a few more years. Let us know if you need help moving.

Wendy Roberts on :

That is AWESOME!! I am so happy for you guys!

stephanie barlow on :

Congrats. That is wonderful! Such a lovely home and good work on the progress with the garden.

Colleen on :

Congratulations. I hope you live there a long time and build lots of great memories! What a great yard too! Thta is going to be a fun place for the kids to play.

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