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L's Birthday

L's birthday was great! She really enjoyed it, and she got to spend it with lots of family. She was especially excited to get to spend the day with her cousin.

When I asked L what she wanted for her birthday, she told me she would like whatever we gave her. :-) She did have one request though. For about two months, she had been requesting to have watermelon on her birthday. Watermelon was not in season yet, so it turned out to be one expensive watermelon. But what a wonderful request!! And she ate tons. And then a few days later, she ate even more. We still had about a third of the watermelon left, and she ate almost the whole thing herself. M and I had a few pieces, but L ate and ate until there were only two or three triangle pieces left. At that point, she was so sick she had to quit. She came back and finished off the last few pieces a little while later. :-)

L also requested to have cheesecake.


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Clara on :

So, did she end up liking whatever you got her for her birthday? :-D Your kids are SO DANG CUTE. I wish we could visit more, but I am so excited for Thanksgiving, I just hope it will be more than a two day visit!! (I'm crossing my fingers!) :-D You are such a good mom, and I really do look up to you for that. (You're a GREAT, AWESOME, FABULOUS sister too!!) I love you!! Tell David, Lily, and Madeline I love them too!!

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