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L's Seed and Garden

We have a local store called Anderson's Seed and Garden. It is a fabulous place, where you can buy seeds by weight and just about anything else you need for a garden.

L decided she would have her own seed store, and she has been collecting seeds all summer-from the food we eat as well as from the weeds and flowers around here.

M made a sign for her too:

She hired M to help her run the store, and she paid M half the revenue. Here is L's Seed and Garden, under our apple tree in the back yard. Notice the piggy bank on the bucket, and there is a stick behind it, which is for scanning bar codes.

They have great customer service and were very helpful when I made my purchase. On this particular day, they were selling potted plants. L, as a self-proclaimed "botanist of wild edible plants," dug up edible weeds and potted them in yogurt containers to sell.

On this day they were selling seeds.

Here is a close up of what was for sale that day: moss, peas collected and dried from our garden, yellow columbine seeds gathered from the front yard, apricot pits, dandelion seeds, and cherry pits.

Random Garden Photos

Here are some peas we picked.

L planted a moss garden.

And here is Sparkles. He is so beautiful!

Here is Baby A after helping me weed the garden. She LOVED it! :-) (That's some raspberry mixed with the mud on her face.)

Here is L with her pumpkin that she grew. It weighed 16 pounds, and she was so proud of it!! (M's pumpkin is still growing, we'll have a picture of that one eventually.) Shortly after we planted the seeds, L found a recipe for pumpkin cookies in the Friend magazine. Ever since then, she has been looking forward to harvesting her pumpkin so that we could make pumpkin cookies from it and give them to our neighbors. We did, and it was so much fun.

I found the most beautiful garden spider living in our tomato plants. I had actually been hoping and looking for one since I planted a garden last year. We took a bunch of pictures and then threw him a grasshopper to eat. It was fascinating to the girls (and me) to see him wrap the grasshopper up.