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We had a wonderful Christmas! At first I was disappointed to be staying home for Christmas, but it turned out so very perfect. Now I am very glad that we stayed home, and I can't imagine having a better Christmas anywhere else. This is the first year that L is old enough to understand everything, and to get REALLY excited. It was the perfect year to stay home and start our own traditions.

L woke up around 6:30. I was awake as well, and saw her run out of her room, and then hesitate in the hall at the top of the stairs. When she saw me standing there in my room watching her, she grabbed my hand and we both went down together. She went through her stocking, and it was so sweet, because she wanted to give me 3 of her 8 pieces of candy to me. It is incredible how much she shares.

About an hour later, M woke up, and L helped her go through her stocking.

We had a wonderful, slow Christmas breakfast of aebelskivers, bacon, fruit, and juice (a fabulous Owen tradition) and afterwards, we opened presents. L's favorite present was definitely a 3-inch Cinderella doll with several dresses and pairs of shoes. She took her Cinderella everywhere she went, and helped Cinderella do everything she did.

M's favorite present was probably her barn with a bunch of animals and a farmer. It makes animal noises, and also has a little tune it plays, which L likes to dance to (like in the picture).