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10 days ago, we got three goats. They are Nigerian dwarfs, which are quite small. Goats are extremely social, and can be as friendly as a little puppy dog who follows you around. Ours came from a herd of 100+ goats, so they did not start out that tame, but they are quickly becoming so. They are also very gentle, other than accidentally stepping on someone's foot every once in a while. Both L and M love them so very much. L spends lots of time out in the pasture with them. Her time is now split pretty evenly between her bike and the goats. :-) L helps take care of them, and in some ways, she has kind of taken charge. It has been incredible to see a whole new confidence in L as she works with them.

This is Jasmine. She is a year old, and she is a mini-nubian, which is part Nigerian Dwarf and part Nubian.

This is Daisy, who is purebred Nigerian Dwarf. She is about 3 ½ months old.

This is Brownie, also a purebred Nigerian Dwarf. She is about 7 weeks old. (And small enough to fit through the fencing. It's a good thing she would rather stay with her friends.)

All these pictures were taken within the first 24 hours of having them, and the goats were too shy to get any good pictures with people. Too bad you'll have to wait until the next time I can download pictures onto my computer to see how friendly they are with the girls now.

L said, “I have three goats. We have a chocolate one, her name is Brownie. All of our goats are girls. We have two baby goats. When you come to our house to see Daisy, you would think she is 4 years old, but really she is a baby. The mommy goat is Jasmine, she is black and white just like Daisy. I tamed them, in about two days. I like to chase them, and they like that, especially little Brownie. We are getting ready to show the goats in the fair. We have to clean them so that they look pretty so that we can go to the fair. The fair has a little maze to bring your goat through. I'm sure I'll get lost in that maze. (She says with a grin.) Brownie is my favorite, because she follows me around.”


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