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Snowy the Netherland Dwarf

5 days after moving here, we got a pet rabbit, which we named Snowy. He is a Netherland Dwarf, which is the smallest type of rabbit. As a kid, I had quite a few pet rabbits, and not a single one of them was as friendly and affectionate as Snowy is!! We really lucked out! He was the one and only baby rabbit in the whole lot of them that instead of running away, would come right to the door and poke his head out to get to know us. L said she had wanted a white rabbit, so we decided he was the one. We are so glad we picked him-or maybe I should say he picked us.

This is Snowy at 5 weeks old, the day we bought him.

Oh, and I almost forgot. L and M named him, and his real name is Snowy-snowy-snowy-snowy-snowy-snowy-snowy-snowy-snowy-bunny. We call him Snowy for short. :-)


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