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L's Cinderella Gown

Grandma sewed a beautiful Cinderella dress for L for her birthday. L was too shy to wear it while everyone was around, but when she woke up the next morning, it was all she could think of. :-)

She twirled, and danced, and giggled, and twirled some more. At first, all I could get were tons of pictures like this:

And then, finally, I got one in focus:

Several days later, she could finally sit still long enough for a picture. What a beautiful dress!! Grandma did a great job!

And L, being the wonderfully kind sister that she is, decided to give M her old princess dress. It is still a bit big for M, but that is okay. Thanks to Grandpa on the other side of the family for it. (Although he didn't sew it.) :-)


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Stacey on :

So cute! Aren't girls fun. Oh, guess what? I live in Provo now, we should get together sometime.

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