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L's Seed and Garden

We have a local store called Anderson's Seed and Garden. It is a fabulous place, where you can buy seeds by weight and just about anything else you need for a garden.

L decided she would have her own seed store, and she has been collecting seeds all summer-from the food we eat as well as from the weeds and flowers around here.

M made a sign for her too:

She hired M to help her run the store, and she paid M half the revenue. Here is L's Seed and Garden, under our apple tree in the back yard. Notice the piggy bank on the bucket, and there is a stick behind it, which is for scanning bar codes.

They have great customer service and were very helpful when I made my purchase. On this particular day, they were selling potted plants. L, as a self-proclaimed "botanist of wild edible plants," dug up edible weeds and potted them in yogurt containers to sell.

On this day they were selling seeds.

Here is a close up of what was for sale that day: moss, peas collected and dried from our garden, yellow columbine seeds gathered from the front yard, apricot pits, dandelion seeds, and cherry pits.


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