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We went with L's best friend and her family. We all had a really good time.

Computing With Dad

In this picture, M is computing with Dad. L did the same thing when she was this age, with the same toy.

Another Camping Trip

We always roast corn on the cob when we go camping. It is our favorite camping food, especially for M. She can easily eat three large cobs of corn!

One of my very favorite parts about camping is that the kids get super dirty, and I don't even care at all. As weird as it may be, I LOVE letting them get dirty! :-) Maybe this happy face helps explain why.

Beautiful Newcastle

Newcastle has the most beautiful clouds. And the most beautiful sunsets. (And probably the most beautiful sunrises too, but I wouldn't know. :-) )

Summer Vacation in Newcastle-Part 4

Here is our swimming hole. This is a fantastic place to go!!

While David was down, he helped work on remodelling the house. Here is the first section of siding they put on. It looks pretty good!

Another big event was getting to see Samuel as he passed through on his bike trip across the nation, coast to coast.

Here, M is giving her cherry pits back to Samuel. :-)